Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens *SPOILER-FREE* Initial Thoughts

Here are some of my initial thoughts on The Force Awakens. I posted this on Facebook a few days ago, but since not everyone has access to my Facebook profile, I decided to post it here. 

"I enjoyed the movie. Very much so in fact. It feels a lot like the original trilogy, but feels different at the same time. It is faster-paced than the original trilogy, and it feels more mysterious if that's the right word. 
I have some mixed feelings on several things in the movie (those fall into spoiler territory) because I kept comparing the film to the original trilogy, expanded universe, and to a small extent, the prequels.
I plan to see the film at least once more in the theater, but I will go to a standard theater instead of an IMAX 3D screen (which was sweet by the way).
Star Wars is perhaps my favorite fictional property ever, so this film is important to me. I am not sure how additional viewings will impact this film for me, but I am eager to talk more about it and I await Episode VIII (which thankfully is only 1.5 years away instead of 3.)"

So what did you guys think of the movie? No Spoilers in the comments please!